Sunday, March 31, 2019


Trying to locate this English group’s 1984 demo. At least need the lineup and track listing.


Looking for this German outfit’s 1984 demo. At least need the lineup and track listing, plus their hometown.


Could use this Austrian act’s Promotional Tracks demo (1983) and their 1985 demo. At least need the lineups and track listings.

Saturday, March 30, 2019


Trying to find a 1988 demo from this American band. At least need the lineup and track listing, plus their hometown.


In need of this Texas/California group’s Paramount Studios Demos. At least need year, lineup, and track listing.


Anyone have this English outfit’s Live Demo from 1983? At least need its lineup and track listing.

Friday, March 29, 2019


In search of this Massachusetts act’s 1988 demo. Also need its lineup.


Trying to locate this Australian band’s He’s a Liar cassette single from 1986. Also need its lineup, and that of their 1986 demo.


Looking for this California group’s first (three-song) demo from 1985. At least need its lineup and track listing; also need the lineup to their other 1985 demo and 1987 rehearsal tape.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Tyrone Power

Could use this British outfit’s demo from around 1985. At least need its year, lineup, and track listing.


Trying to find this Swedish act’s unreleased demo/LP from around 1988. At least need its year, lineup, and track listing.

Tyrant's Reign

In need of this Indiana/Illinois band’s Without Warning demo from around 1985. At least need its year, lineup, and track listing. Also need the lineup to 1989’s Judge and Jury demo.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tyrant Town

Anyone have this Italian group’s Calvario demo from 1984?


In search of this Italian outfit’s five demos from 1983 through 1985. At least need their lineups and track listings.


Trying to locate this Dutch act’s 1983 demo.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Looking for this California band’s 1982 demo.


Could use this Colorado group’s Tower of Darkness demo from 1981.


Trying to find the lineup to this English outfit’s 1982 demo.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Tyran Virgin

In need of this Austrian act’s 1986 demo, and its full lineup.


Anyone have the lineup to this Polish group’s 1989 demo?


In search of this Arizona band’s first demo from 1987 (one that predates Torture by Sound); at least need its track listing.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Tygers of Pan Tang

Trying to locate this British outfit’s MCA Demo from 1980. At least need its lineup, and that of their 1983 Unreleased Album Demos.

Tyger Tailz

Looking for this Welsh act’s 1986 demo.

Tyga Myra

Could use this English group’s 1984 demo. At least need its lineup and track listing.

Saturday, March 23, 2019


Trying to find this German band’s Kassandra demo from 1988. Also need the tape’s lineup.


In need of this Yugoslavian outfit’s 1986 demo. At least need its lineup and track listing, and their hometown.

Two Million B.C.

Anyone have the lineup to this Massachusetts act’s 1982 demo?

Friday, March 22, 2019

Twisted Sister

In search of this New York group’s 1981 demo. Also need its lineup.

Twisted Cross

Trying to locate this (American? Canadian?) band’s Hieronymus Bosch demo from 1987 or 1988. At least need lineup, track listing, and hometown.

Twilight Zone

Looking for this Italian outfit’s demos: On the Prowl (1986, need lineup and track listing), Out of the Dark (1987), 4 to Zero (1988), and 1989.

Thursday, March 21, 2019


Could use this German act’s Heavy Rock demo from 1988.

The Turn

Trying to find this Michigan group’s hometown and the lineup to their Maranatha demo from 1986.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Turbulencia Kaotica

In need of this Mexican band’s demo from 1989 or 1990. At least need lineup, track listing, and exact year of release.


Anyone have this Slovenian outfit’s 1989 demo?


Trying to locate the lineup to this English group’s 1981 demo.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Looking for this Brazilian band’s Lavagem Cerebral demo from 1988.

Túmulo de Ferro

Could use this Brazilian outfit’s 1988 demos, Welcome to War and I Was What You Are You Be What I Am (1988, need lineup and track listing).

Tuff Luck

Trying to find this Florida-to-New Jersey act’s 1987 and 1989 demos. Need the track listing for the first one, and the lineups for both.

Monday, March 18, 2019


In need of this Arizona-to-California group’s demos: their first demo from 1986 (with Terry Fox on vocals), Knock Yourself Out (1986), their third demo from around 1987 (need vocalist and exact year), and a 1988 demo featuring “Summertime Goodbye” (need lineup and full track listing).


Anyone have this Czech band’s Eskadrona Mrtvých demo from 1988? At least need its lineup and track listing.


In search of this California outfit’s three demos from 1988 to 1989. At least need the lineup to two of them.

Sunday, March 17, 2019


Trying to locate this Illinois act’s 1986 and 1987 demos; at least need their lineups and track listings.


Looking for the lineups to this Swedish group’s 1982 and 1984 demos.


Could use this Arizona band’s 1987 mini-cassette LP, Le Commencer.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Trupny Yad (aka Трупный Яд)

Trying to find this Russian outfit’s demos (?): Prozhektor Perestroyki (1986, possibly as Bimetal) and Den' Rozhdeniya Smerti (1989). At least need the lineups and track listings.


In need of the lineup to this English act’s 1986 cassette LP, The Bacon Slicer Strikes Again.

Trueno Azul

Anyone have this Bolivian group’s demo from around 1986? At least need its year, track listing, and lineup.

Friday, March 15, 2019

True Colors

In search of this Australian band’s Someone's Watching demo from 1987. Also need the tape’s lineup.


Trying to locate this English outfit’s demo from 1984 or 1985; at least need lineup, track listing, and exact year of release.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


Looking for the lineup to this New Jersey act’s 1987 demo.


Could use this British group’s Demo 1 demo from 1982. At least need the tape’s lineup and track listing, and their hometown.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Trying to find this Swedish band’s Stand Up for Rock demo from 1982.


In need of this Indiana group’s Insanity demo from 1986. Also need the tape’s lineup.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Anyone have this Irish band’s Live 4 Tracks demo from 1988? Could also use its lineup.


In search of this English outfit’s Demo #2 from 1983. At least need its lineup, and that of Demo #3 (1984), Demo #4 (1984), Demo #5 (1985), and Demo 1986.

Monday, March 11, 2019

De Troetelbeertjes

Trying to locate this Dutch act’s 1987 demo. At least need its track listing and lineup.


Looking for this Bulgarian group’s demos, years unknown: Demo 1, Ranno, and Rehearsal. At least need years, track listings, and lineups.

Sunday, March 10, 2019


Could use this California band’s Trolling for Satan demo from 1988.

Triple X

Trying to find this Pennsylvania outfit’s 1988 demo, and an unreleased demo from 1989 or 1990. At least need the track listings and lineups for both.

Trip Wire

In need of the lineup to this Swedish act’s 1980s demo; also need its exact year of release.

Trip Trigger

Anyone have this California group’s 1989 demo? At least need the tape’s lineup.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Trigger Zone

In search of this Ohio band’s The Axe Studio Recordings demo from 1985.


Trying to locate the lineup to this Scottish outfit’s Cheap ’n’ Nasty demo from 1985.

Thursday, March 7, 2019


Looking for the lineups to this Welsh act’s Flint demo from 1981 and Broken Dream cassette LP from 1982.


Could use this Norwegian group’s The Tribulation Has Begun demo from 1989.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Trying to find this Swedish band’s demos: Rehearsal 1/16/87 and Tribulation (1987).

Tribe After Tribe

In need of this California outfit’s 1989 demo. Also need its lineup.


Anyone have the lineup to this English act’s 1983 demo?


In search of this California group’s two demos, from around 1987 and 1988. Also need the lineup for the second one.

Monday, March 4, 2019


Trying to locate this Belgian band’s 1985 live tape and 1987 rehearsal tape (need track listing); at least need the lineups of both. 


Looking for this São Paulo, Brazil outfit’s 1987 demo.

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Could use this Santo André, Brazil act’s 1980s demos.


Trying to find this South Dakota group’s 1989 cassette single. Also need its lineup.

Saturday, March 2, 2019


In need of this Welsh group’s 1982 demo.


Anyone have the lineup to this Swedish outfit’s This Way or No Way demo from 1984? Also need their hometown.

Friday, March 1, 2019


In search of Tennessee act’s demo from the late 1980s or early 1990s; need exact year of release and lineup.


Trying to locate the exact years of release for this Dutch group’s demos: How the Mighty Have Fallen! and a second demo.